A quality evaluation can
unlock the door to your potential
What WE Do
What does R.E.M stand for anyway?
What makes us different?
Combined, over 100 years of applied, theoretical, and research experience
Owner and Founder is a methodologist and statistician- she has unlimited tools in her toolbox to tailor your evaluation to exactly what you need
In-depth knowledge of human subjects review and institutional review board policies.
Striving Readers Grant: Congrats to the Mahoning County Educational Service Center!
Congratulations to the Mahoning County Educational Service Center on winning a $1.2 million Striving Readers Grant from the State of Ohio. This is the third grant that R.E.M. has helped the MCESC to win! This grant will provide for targeted professional development...
AEA 2018 in Cleveland Ohio
Registration has opened for the American Evaluation Association’s 2018 Annual Conference. This year’s conference is being held in Cleveland, Ohio on October 31 through November 3rd! This year’s theme is Speaking Truth To Power! Registration can be completed at...
Save the Date! Evaluation 2018!
The 2017 national AEA Conference in D.C. was a great success! Please join us next year for Evaluation 2018 in Cleveland, OH from October 28th - November 3rd. R.E.M. Consultants will be part of the planning committee! We would love to see you there! If you'd like to...
“Dr. Larwin is an inspiring professor, educator